

Dunn, Patrick J., and Leanne M. Gilbertson. “A mechanistic model for determining factors that influence inorganic nitrogen fate in corn cultivation.” Environmental Science. Processes & Impacts, January 2025.


Pitell, Sarah, Isaiah Spencer-Williams, Daniel Huffman, Paige Moncure, Jill Millstone, Janet Stout, Leanne Gilbertson, and Sarah-Jane Haig. “Not the Silver Bullet: Uncovering the Unexpected Limited Impacts of Silver-Containing Showerheads on the Drinking Water Microbiome.” ACS ES&T Water 4, no. 12 (December 2024): 5364–76.

Gilbertson, L. M., M. J. Eckelman, and T. L. Theis. “Leveraging engineered nanomaterials to support material circularity.” Environmental Science: Nano 11, no. 7 (April 29, 2024): 2885–93.

Huffman, D. P., S. Pitell, P. Moncure, J. Stout, J. E. Millstone, S. J. Haig, and L. M. Gilbertson. “Moving beyond silver in point-of-use drinking water pathogen control.” Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology 10, no. 5 (February 20, 2024): 1009–18.


Shah, Y., and L. M. Gilbertson. “Balancing functional properties and environmental impact of graphitic carbon nitride: a case study on boron doping syntheses.” Environmental Science: Nano 11, no. 1 (December 5, 2023): 78–90.

Johnson, E. P., N. Aquino de Carvalho, L. M. Gilbertson, and D. L. Plata. “Acid Treatment in Alkyl-Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes: Soft Functionalization Techniques with Lower Environmental Footprint.” ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 11, no. 43 (October 30, 2023): 15523–32.

Norton, A., D. Scheff, and L. M. Gilbertson. “Preface.” ACS Symposium Series 1449 (October 2, 2023): IX–X.

Stabryla, Lisa M., Paige J. Moncure, Jill E. Millstone, and Leanne M. Gilbertson. “Particle-Driven Effects at the Bacteria Interface: A Nanosilver Investigation of Particle Shape and Dose Metric.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, no. 33 (August 2023): 39027–38.

Aquino de Carvalho, N., and L. M. Gilbertson. “Comparative life cycle assessment of graphitic carbon nitride synthesis routes.” Journal of Industrial Ecology 27, no. 3 (June 1, 2023): 1008–20.

Dunn, P. J., L. Pourzahedi, T. L. Theis, and L. M. Gilbertson. “Thinking in systems: sustainable design of nano-enabled agriculture informed by life cycle assessment.” In Nano-Enabled Sustainable and Precision Agriculture, 461–91, 2023.


Gilbertson, L. M., and P. J. Vikesland. “Inspiring a nanocircular economy.” Environmental Science: Nano 9, no. 3 (February 14, 2022): 839–40.

Stabryla, L. M., R. M. Clark, and L. M. Gilbertson. “Assessment of Using Design Thinking to Foster Creativity in an Undergraduate Sustainable Engineering Course.” Advances in Engineering Education 10, no. 4 (January 1, 2022): 20–56.


Sleight, Trevor W., Caitlin N. Sexton, Giannis Mpourmpakis, Leanne M. Gilbertson, and Carla A. Ng. “A Classification Model to Identify Direct-Acting Mutagenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Transformation Products.” Chemical Research in Toxicology 34, no. 11 (November 2021): 2273–86.

Stabryla, Lisa M., Kathryn A. Johnston, Nathan A. Diemler, Vaughn S. Cooper, Jill E. Millstone, Sarah-Jane Haig, and Leanne M. Gilbertson. “Role of bacterial motility in differential resistance mechanisms of silver nanoparticles and silver ions.” Nature Nanotechnology 16, no. 9 (September 2021): 996–1003.

Barrios, A. C., Y. P. Cahue, Y. Wang, J. Geiger, R. C. Puerari, W. G. Matias, S. P. Melegari, L. M. Gilbertson, and F. Perreault. “Emerging investigator series: a multispecies analysis of the relationship between oxygen content and toxicity in graphene oxide.” Environmental Science: Nano 8, no. 6 (June 1, 2021): 1543–59.

Carvalho, N. A. de, Y. Wang, N. Morales-Soto, D. Waldeck, K. Bibby, K. Doudrick, and L. M. Gilbertson. “Using C-Doping to Identify Photocatalytic Properties of Graphitic Carbon Nitride That Govern Antibacterial Efficacy.” ACS ES and T Water 1, no. 2 (February 12, 2021): 269–80.

Cruces, Edgardo, Ana C. Barrios, Yaritza P. Cahue, Brielle Januszewski, Leanne M. Gilbertson, and François Perreault. “Similar toxicity mechanisms between graphene oxide and oxidized multi-walled carbon nanotubes in Microcystis aeruginosa.” Chemosphere 265 (February 2021): 129137.

Albalghiti, E., L. M. Stabryla, L. M. Gilbertson, and J. B. Zimmerman. “Towards resolution of antibacterial mechanisms in metal and metal oxide nanomaterials: a meta-analysis of the influence of study design on mechanistic conclusions.” Environmental Science: Nano 8, no. 1 (January 1, 2021): 37–66.


Wang, Yan, Yasemin Basdogan, Tianyu Zhang, Ronald S. Lankone, Alexa N. Wallace, D Howard Fairbrother, John A. Keith, and Leanne M. Gilbertson. “Unveiling the Synergistic Role of Oxygen Functional Groups in the Graphene-Mediated Oxidation of Glutathione.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, no. 41 (October 2020): 45753–62.

Gilbertson, Leanne M., Leila Pourzahedi, Stephanie Laughton, Xiaoyu Gao, Julie B. Zimmerman, Thomas L. Theis, Paul Westerhoff, and Gregory V. Lowry. “Guiding the design space for nanotechnology to advance sustainable crop production.” Nature Nanotechnology 15, no. 9 (September 2020): 801–10.

Sleight, Trevor W., Vikas Khanna, Leanne M. Gilbertson, and Carla A. Ng. “Network Analysis for Prioritizing Biodegradation Metabolites of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.” Environmental Science & Technology 54, no. 17 (September 2020): 10735–44.

Hofmann, T., G. V. Lowry, S. Ghoshal, N. Tufenkji, D. Brambilla, J. R. Dutcher, L. M. Gilbertson, et al. “Technology readiness and overcoming barriers to sustainably implement nanotechnology-enabled plant agriculture.” Nature Food 1, no. 7 (July 1, 2020): 416–25.

Clark, R. M., L. M. Stabryla, and L. M. Gilbertson. “Sustainability coursework: student perspectives and reflections on design thinking.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 21, no. 3 (April 22, 2020): 593–611.

Pandorf, M., L. Pourzahedi, L. Gilbertson, G. V. Lowry, P. Herckes, and P. Westerhoff. “Graphite nanoparticle addition to fertilizers reduces nitrate leaching in growth of lettuce (: Lactuca sativa).” Environmental Science: Nano 7, no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 127–38.


Barrios, Ana C., Yan Wang, Leanne M. Gilbertson, and François Perreault. “Structure-Property-Toxicity Relationships of Graphene Oxide: Role of Surface Chemistry on the Mechanisms of Interaction with Bacteria.” Environmental Science & Technology 53, no. 24 (December 2019): 14679–87.